Nach der gestrigen Meldung von Blizzards-CM Nevalistis wird es in diesen Stunden oder Tagen neue Einladungen zur Reaper of Souls Beta geben. Behaltet also euren und euren Email-Spamordner im Auge. Wegen des aufspielens eines neuen Patches sind die Testserver momentan offline. Wie lange die Wartung dauert ist nicht bekannt.
Zitat von CM: |
In order to help resolve some critical bugs and implement class tuning changes, we will be pushing out a new Beta and PTR patch later today. This patch will be relatively small, and a miniature patch note update will be provided once the patch is live. As a result of some testing that will accompany this patch, character progress on the Beta/PTR may be affected. See the below list for details. - Later this week (after the Beta/PTR patch goes live), we will be performing some tests on our storage system that maintains inactive Diablo III accounts. - This may result in the loss of up to 24 hours' worth of progress on the Beta or PTR for some players. - We anticipate the number of affected Beta/PTR accounts will be extremely low, and should only impact those who play within a very small window of time.
We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your continued participation in the Closed Beta and 2.0.1 PTR! |